The Case Against Patents

Amazon’s patent over one click buying option, having an absurdly broad scope has encountered many legal attacks and generated billions in revenue for the company.

Ever wondered, what is the story behind the “absurd patent language”?

Most of the patents are filed by the non-practicing entities, the companies who own intellectual property but don’t do anything with it. They earn primarily by suing anyone to everyone.

Do patent owners always benefit from the innovation behind patents or is it something else?

A pharmaceutical company has to spend billions to find a new drug but sometimes waits for another firm/institution to undertake R&D to invent the drug and then steal it.

Here arises another question: Do the major earnings come from innovation or filing a suit or do they arise from the less talked about threats of a counter-suit?

If you wish to know how the economics and science of a patent puts greater benefits in the basket of market players, watch the video.

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