
Tracking the Progress of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) was passed as a bankruptcy law of India in 2016 which aims at consolidating the existing framework by formulating a single law for both insolvency and bankruptcy. This code was implemented to safeguard the interests of small investors and further supplement the ease of doing business in India.

Google’s Hardware Game

Google has always gone about creating hardware in three different ways: partnerships, acquisitions, and in house efforts. Furthermore, the line ups are really confusing, to say the least. Though it has never enjoyed success at either, it has always benefited from all in the grand scheme of things.

Psychological Traps in Decision-Making

From making decisions to investments, you may be at the mercy of your mind’s strange workings. Financial decisions are among the most important life-shaping decisions that people make.

Pink Capitalism

Pink Capitalism, also known as Rainbow Capitalism stands for the incorporation of the LGBTQ+ community movement and sexual diversity into capitalism. It is the fight for diversity and acceptance, as a way to capitalism and a market economy.

Lebanon’s Economic Meltdown

The Lebanese pound has been diverging from its current peg to the US dollars due to its worst economic and financial crisis since 1975-90 civil war. It currently stands at 1507.5 to one US dollar in the official market and 2600 in the black market. Curious as to what led to this economic meltdown and liquidity crunch?

Startup Valuations

Valuation is simply the value of a company. But the bigger question is: Why does it matter? It matters to entrepreneurs because it determines the share of the company they have to give away to an investor for money. At an early stage, the value of a company is close to zero, but the valuation is a lot higher. Valuation at the start indicates the growth potential, and not necessarily the present value.

The 2020 Baghdad Airstrike

On 3rd January, 2020 at around 1 a.m. (Iraq local time) The U.S President Donald Trump ordered the air strike which killed 10 military personnel in Baghdad International Airport. Among the casualties were prominent figures like Iran’s Major General Qasem Soleimani of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Deputy Commander of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

China’s Colossal Plan to Dominate Global Trade

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) could lift 32 million people out of moderate poverty. The global income could increase by 2.9%. It also discloses that there can be an increment of about 7.6% in FDI of every country through the project. This is where China comes into the picture providing the ‘easiest route’ through BRI to almost every country in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and Middle East to trade with it and is still expanding. This makes China a hero (or not?)

One Country, Two Systems: The Hong Kong Crisis

Since March 2019, the state of Hong Kong has been in a turmoil due to the uprising protests which have completely distorted the peace in the country. The people are afraid and the youth has all to lose if the extradition bill is passed by the legislature of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a democracy but not entirely a democracy; ironical. It is a semi-autonomous state which is governed both by Hong Kong and China. Before going into the depth of the protests, let us first examine the root cause which gave spark to this fire.

The Sunk Cost Dilemma

Usually, erroneous decisions are a result of flawed decision-making processes. However, sometimes the flaw lies not in the way decisions were reached at but in the mind of the decision maker. We often undermine the rationality of our decisions, catering to our inherent psychological biases, one of which is the Sunk Cost Dilemma.