String Theory

What is the true nature of the universe?

Humans came up with stories to define them, and the more we learnt the more complicated our stories became. Amongst a series of stories we came up with, one that was particularly controversial and often misunderstood was called the String Theory. In order to explain the same (and thus every story that scientists have come up till date), we invented mathematical fiction and wove the tale of the point particle. It was through the theory of the point particle that physicists explained the Quantum Field theory which resolved a lot of contemporary problems and led to the development of several real-world technologies we use everyday.

But there was a huge problem, that of gravity; if the universe is conceptualized as a theatrical play, the particles as actors, then gravity is the stage. If we are able to add gravity to quantum physics we’ll have the Ultimate Theory, a theory of everything. An added problem is that of the math this theory requires: we need 10 dimensions (or multi-dimensionality) in order to explain it but so far nobody has succeeded in solving problems that the 6 advance dimensions pose.

But is string theory the final solution to all of our questions or just an over-hyped dead end? Check out the video below to find out more.

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