The Legacy of Student-run Organisations

As college students, everyone knows the pivotal role that student-run organisations, whether they are academic, arts-based, performing and/or skill-based, play in exploring one’s interests and honing their skills. Students are actively involved in such organisations as they provide a plethora of opportunities for their growth and development. Nowadays, students face the problem of plenty when it comes to making the right selection of student organisations aligning with their interests and career choices. However, there are a lot of common benefits that these societies offer which are interactions with like-minded people, gaining knowledge about relevant fields, acquiring communication, writing and creative skills apart from being able to access a multitude of opportunities. They assist students in gaining experience out of academically-oriented college lectures. 

There are numerous organisations which are currently running in educational institutions but were founded years ago by past generations of students. 

What does it mean for a college society to complete a decade since its inception? 

As such societies are created by the students and for the students, they tend to grow and evolve with each succeeding year and with the incoming of new minds who take charge of the leadership and operations, thus creating a legacy of ideas and initiatives. 

With a decade of existence, college organisations form a diverse and strongly connected alumni network which enables students and working professionals from a variety of fields to connect over a common chord being their past with the college society. Such alumni networks also provide credibility to the student organisation and provide it with a future direction.

Every such organisation has its objectives and these evolve together to form a long-term vision for its current and future members. This vision becomes stronger as the society forms a legacy from contributions by generations of students creating a robust structure supporting the organisation.

Since its inception, F&IC Hindu has strived hard to achieve its mission aligning with its motto – “Knowledge is Power” through its various initiatives and has found success in the functioning of its six verticals along with its flagship events. 

To learn more about various kinds of student-run organisations, check out this video:

Ananya Mittal

Vice President

Saransh Gupta


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